Not just a Dictionary Page any more

Repurpose, alter and transform old and new book pages by layering up resist mediums, shapes and color.

This course is about making collage papers and preparing them for use of the tack Iron or your regular house iron. You can use these papers without coating them for your art journaling or wet gluing collage process also.

Unique Marks and Patterns

Though the same paper materials are used in collage artwork, something happens each time a papermaking session is put into action.

As human beings we are in question with our inner thoughts, and our outer circumstances that effect our choices.
This is the Art is Life, Life is Art effect.

Our marks and print patterns on the surface of the papers mirrors us in the moment.

Your papers will not be the same, close but just slightly different with each session.

Sheet Music and Book Pages

Marks with Ink

Black ink, organic or intentional, marks and lines are beautiful.

Sandpaper and Magazines

"Oh My!"

Creative Palette Making

There are 11 downloadable pdf for you to save and print out to follow along with the video's.

And there are 20 videos that share the process I use for making a large collage palette. The videos are not downloadable and stay with the Course but you will be gaining the hands on experience of making the papers and with the handouts you download you will have a good understanding. And be able to take what you have learned and grow with it in your own art practices.

Adding and tweaking is what I personal like to do and I hope you will also. 

A bit about the process, sometimes I make papers for my collage work that is just for a specific piece, other times I just make papers and build a paper palette so I can pick and choice. I always seem to need to make more paper. Such a problem right?  

Ideas spark from the papers while I'm creating the collage. Saying to myself, "Oh I need some soft blues for this piece." I will stop and make some for what I need, but it's sure nice when I have all the right stuff ready to go. Doesn't always happen that way but I still get all excited to create more papers. Sorry, did I say that already.? It's true though, the freedom to use the art material and not have to worry about the end result right away makes you feel like a child again. Plus it warms up my creative awareness for when the time come to create a piece of art. 

Palette- You might have heard the word palette with painting in acrylics, oil or watercolors.  Which means all the paints you need available for you to use while painting.

Collage artist uses paper, sometimes in its raw form as of no acrylics or paints used on the surface to alter it. But if you're anything like me, altering the papers with the acrylic paints, spreading a full page of color or by stamping over and altering the surface with other art materials, it just gets me all excited. If this sounds like something you might be interested in that's great!

The Course, is set up for you to experience in you own hands the textures of the papers, thick, thin, sanded, crinkled, transparent and stamped. Mark making with fun tool and hand made stamps will be shown and shared for you to integrate as you see fit.

 No Collage making though, just making papers is all that is in the course with some preparation at the end to help along. 

Image- example of collage papers you can make in this course.

Tips and helpful thoughts

The papers you make start off basic and I'm sure what will happen is ideas will start to float around your head and heart you will want to try them out. Do take the risk, add to these papers, build upon my ideas and grow with them and make them yours. There are so many ways to make collage papers if you like to alter them. It's impossible to show all the things I've done to the papers I've made. Serendipity happens in the doing and acting on that is where the artist's high happens.

Might be good to stick with the papers process first hand as you see them altered in the steps and process. You will have a wonderful array to pick from. Different papers with different alteration done to there surfaces. Later mix and match as you see fit for your needs and the directions you are heading with your collage works.

Now I hope that you will have this happen to you.... as you start to make the papers you get this ideas and wonder what if, "I try this or do it this way." It's so great when this happens it means you are inspired by what you are doing and the door is open for new ideas to flow in and be used.

For this course No Gel Plates will be used. I don't like to share the process of using the gel plates because they are so wonderful and easy I wouldn't want to take that excitement away from you. Plus there are so many You Tube videos free for the learning out there. If you make papers with the Gel Plates you can coat them with Gloss medium too and used them with the style of collage making I do and that I offer in my e-courses, classes and workshops with the tack iron method of heat. This is a process melting of the layer of dried gloss to the layers of other papers coated too. No Wet Glue at this point.

A word of warning, this approach to art making can become exhausting as it's like constant play. And we all know what happens with kids that play hard...they become exhausted and need a nap. So knowing that in advice, take breaks and keep your energy high with good snacks too!

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Upon your check out, type in the purchase code-CREATECOLLAGEPAPERS

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you get Help with Login In? If you having trouble getting into Lonecrow Studio, after you have already signed up and paid, please know your information is not stored with the instructor. Try clearing you cookies, try again then please check the Help Link Save your login information.

When does the course begin and end?

The course begins as soon as your transaction is complete. After you sign up you have access to all the course information and can work at your own pace.

How long do I have access to this course?

You have access to this course as long as the instructor is able to keep teaching and the school is open, unless otherwise notified on the individual courses offered. Don't let your course expire on the Shelf. Like an old can of beans in the pantry....something I do often in my house. 

When does the course begin and end?

The course begins as soon as your transaction is complete. After you sign up you have access to all the course information and can work at your own pace.

What level of ability is this course for?

This course is for anyone willing to learn more about design and composition. Be it for a beginner or more advance it works well for both

Videos-Do I need high speed internet for this course?

It is suggested to view videos with high-speed internet.

Is it that important to have all the supplies on the list?

Work with what you have though there are some techniques in advance courses that work best with set materials. Work with what you have around you first before going out and spend big dollars on supplies. I do prefer Golden's Gloss Medium over other brands

Is there an online community connected with this course?

Currently there is a Facebook Community. It's set up as Private community.

Lonecrow Collage Studio.

It is where everyone shares that have taken any of my classes.


What is the Refund Policy?

Once you are enrolled in the course, I am unable to offer a refund. You are able to receive the pdf's and video to watch. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions prior to signing up.

[email protected]


Your Worktable

Space and Tables I mention this because when you get started it's addicting and there is paper everywhere. So make sure you have space to lay your papers out on to dry flat. I use dollar store plastic table cloths and then I can lay my papers on them. As the process has a tendency to be a creative mess. The plastic works best because your able to pull up the papers without them sticking.

Tables good to have some to work from. I raise my tables up because leaning over them really mess with the creative energy especially if your back it hurting.

But I'm a stander when I create and if your not, no worries. Just somethings to think about as you also think about taking this course. As taking a break now and then might be good to do, stretch the arm, back and stand up straight, just to keep everything move smoothly.